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Potassium bicarbonate

₹124 (If you buy max QTY)+ GST (Rates are Per Kg/Per Liter)

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    Price Range based on Quantity
    Quantity (Kg/Ltr/Nos) Price (Per kg/Ltr/Nos)
    1 ₹180
    50 ₹139
    200 ₹131
    500 ₹124

    T&C* GST and Transportation Charges are Extra. (Transport Charges are too Pay)

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We manufacture and supply Best Quality Agro Chemical Raw Material in Bulk Quantity. Potassium bicarbonate is an Anti-fungal Agrochemical and has a widespread use in crops, especially for neutralizing acidic soil. Potassium bicarbonate formulation is an effective fungicide against powdery mildew and apple scab. Also, it is allowed for usage in organic fungicide formulations. It is a potassium salt and an organic salt. It contains a hydrogen carbonate.

पोटेशियम बाइकार्बोनेट एक एंटी-फंगल एग्रोकेमिकल है और इसका फसलों में व्यापक उपयोग होता है, विशेष रूप से अम्लीय मिट्टी को बेअसर करने के लिए। पोटैशियम बाइकार्बोनेट फॉर्मूलेशन ख़स्ता फफूंदी और सेब की पपड़ी के खिलाफ एक प्रभावी कवकनाशी है। इसके अलावा, इसे जैविक कवकनाशी योगों में उपयोग की अनुमति है। यह एक पोटेशियम नमक और एक आर्गेनिक नमक है। इसमें हाइड्रोजन कार्बोनेट होता है।

Physical appearance :- Powder

Product color :- White

Odour :- Mild

Solubility :- Water Soluble

Expiry: 2 Year

Potassium bicarbonate stands as a versatile and essential agricultural asset, offering multifaceted benefits to crops and soil health. As a soluble source of potassium and a natural fungicide, it plays a pivotal role in enhancing plant growth, strengthening cell walls, and improving overall crop resilience against diseases and environmental stressors. Its unique properties also act as a pH regulator in soil, ensuring an optimal growing environment for plants. When applied judiciously, potassium bicarbonate mitigates the impact of acidic conditions, promoting nutrient absorption and fostering robust root development. Additionally, its eco-friendly nature makes it a preferred choice for organic farming, aligning with sustainable agricultural practices. Whether used in foliar sprays or soil applications, potassium bicarbonate optimizes crop yield, quality, and overall health, making it an indispensable tool for modern agriculture. Its ability to neutralize acidic soil conditions improves the availability of essential nutrients, ensuring plants receive the nourishment they need for vigorous growth and development.

Product usage :-  It is used as an organic fungicide to control fungal diseases in plants.

Storage condition :- Store in original container in clean, cool and dry place. Use before expiration date printed on package.

Country of origin :- India

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